Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Well, I'm back from spending two weeks in Romania. I was serving with the Romanian Evangelistic Medical Mission (REMM) based in Beius, RO. I was part of a medical mission consisting of my parents (my Mom is a nurse), Dr. Galyn Vande Zande, a physician from Pella, and his daughter, Nicole. We were also aided by a young woman, Carina Dudas, a Romanian by birth, but has been living in the States for the past 13 years. She has hopes to attend medical school. She came along to assist us with translation.

Over the next few days, I hope to review the journal I kept in Romania and share it with you. Along the way, hopefully, you can learn a little about REMM, as well as get a sense of privilege I felt being allowed to come along on this trip. Thanks to my wife and kids for letting me leave them for two weeks. I thank my parents and the Vande Zande's, who were gracious enough to let me tag along. I am also thankful for the friends I made along the way, the Lucaciu's (Peter, Ana, Anca, Andrea, and A.J.), and the members of the other teams (W00t, Jackson S.). I am thankful for the wonderful hospitality and kindness of the Romanians I met along the way. Most of all I am thankful to God for making this possible, and keeping me safe. God is at work in this world. Most definitely. I am thankful that He gave me a peek into that work on the other side of the world. Grateful isn't the prettiest of words off the tongue, especially in light of the emotion it is supposed to represent. Yet, that is what I am. Very grateful.

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